Sunday, June 27, 2010
B.K. Taylor's Baseball's Greatest Grossouts Cards

Classic B.K. Taylor Sick Magazine Spoof Issue!
In our household, magazines like National Lampoon, Sick, Mad Magazine, Eerie Comics, along with Crawdaddy, Mother Jones, The New Yorker and many others, were monthly staples.
After seeing this B.K. Taylor cover for Sick magazine, Dad said, "Incredible! I call it 'Them Crazy Kids on Their Murder-Psychos'. This guy's brilliant!!!"
Dad was rarely wrong, and several copies of this particular issue of Sick were purchased. (No, you can't have mine, I'm keeping it forever, lol.)
Look at the bold colors, the confident direction, the full character development and the entire 'Devil May Care' attitude of this piece and tell me that it's not hilarious. (I'll check for a pulse if you think otherwise.)
I was pleasantly surprised and pleased to have received a telephone call from Mr. Taylor this fine June day after a nice long hike in Edmonton's Rundle Park and it sure was an experience talking with him! He is a vibrant and energetic man, much like his inspiring artwork, which we will be seeing even more of in the future with the new book coming out sooner than expected.
I can't remember the last time I enjoyed a telephone conversation as much, and it was a pleasure and an honor to talk with him.
Saturday, June 26, 2010
The Wrong Right of Passage' Featuring Foamy The Rabid Dog

Just received this 'Timberland Tales: The Wrong Right of Passage' from Mr. Taylor a scant few moments ago. This is one of our all-time favorites, and features Foamy The Rabid Dog in an unforgetable tale that makes folks laugh time and again.
Sunday, June 20, 2010

The always excellent 'Milkman' character from 'Zero Heroes'. Great character development, you can almost see what Milkman is thinking... Here's Milkman's story.
'Accidentally pasteurized to death in a freak accident, milk delivery man Elmer deCow became 'The Milkman'. Soon, quarts of milk popped up mysteriously all over town as the Milkman made his rounds. Unfortunately, he began making mistakes, leaving half-gallons instead of quarts, buttermilk instead of skim milk. Readers became disgusted with his poor service, and Milkman was "moooved' to greener pastures.' Number 8 in the Zero Hero Series.
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Rare Uncle Kunta...To Be Continued...

In the arena of the politically correct world, Mr. Taylor pulls no punches and takes no dives. This classic Uncle Kunta demonstrates the artist's fine attention to shading (no pun intended) and finely detailed character features. Many subtle nuances can be found in each panel of Mr. Taylor's artwork.
Truly a timeless page from a masterful artist!
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Portrait of B.K. Taylor & More Great News!
Thank you Kind Sir!
More 'Timberland Tales' pages to come, along with the rare treat of the huge fan favorite 'Uncle Kunta'(!) which also highlights the freedom and brilliance of his artwork during those halcyon days (and nights...) of the 1980's.
Your time and effort are so very much appreciated Mr. Taylor.
We look forward to the upcoming book release of National Lampoon Artwork!
Sunday, June 6, 2010
New Book With B.K. Taylor's Artwork is Coming!
Copyright 1985 B.K. Taylor Artwork
As every boy should have a dog, B.K. gave Maurice a skinny, long earred canine, aptly named, Foamy.
Foamy got his name because it was more than apparent he had rabies. In our opinion, Foamy's addition to Timberland Tales is akin to the Fonz taking over Happy Days. Only Foamy never jumped the shark, and we never got tired of his appearances in Timberland tales.
Mr. Taylor sent us an email yesterday and shared with us that a brand new National Lampoon Book of Artwork is being compiled as you read this wonderful news. He also plans to share his artwork and stories with us, when time permits.
So let all of your B.K. Taylor & National Lampoon aficionados know that an incredible book of featuring fantastic artwork will soon be available!
Friday, June 4, 2010
In The Beginning...
Anyone can write something that can move someone to cry; it is infinitely easier to move a soul to tears than to laughter.
However, moving a person to tears because of their laughter is a more powerful form of that very same B.K. Taylor Magic I've previously mentioned..

All right to the artwork are owned solely by the artist and human being, B.K. Taylor.
(So don't try anything funny...)
B.K. Taylor Fans For Life!
Contact us at: bktaylorblog@yahoo.com